Saturday, March 9, 2013


Do you watch the dog bark?

We all know that when the dog barks and runs to the back door, that he needs to go out. Are you one that will ignore the dog, thinking that his need will go away? Maybe you are too busy to let the dog out, or you think if you ignore the barking long enough, someone else will let that dog out? Perhaps you are the one that takes care of the dog, feeds it, take care of him, go on walks and loves him. When the dog barks, he is happy to see you!

Our organization is like that dog. Some members are aware, some ignore, some sit back and watch, some will let the dog out if it barks loud enough while other members will support and promote our causes without a single bark. Some members feel strong about the dog and step forward from the ranks of the organization to take charge. We see them in “Walking the Dog” throughout any given year. Some particular members lead the organization for several years in numerous ways because they love our dog.

Who are You?
 Barking Dog clipart

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