Tuesday, March 2, 2010


MARCH 15-17, 2010 is American Legion birthday.

Another year of service to veterans and their families has passed and as always, our American Legion is as strong as ever. We still have many potential members who have never been asked that simple question: "Do you belong to The American Legion?" Have you asked anyone lately? Do you carry an application blank in your billfold? Be prepared.

Our national commander Clarence Hill believes in using all the tools available to get the information out about The American Legion and its programs. Commander Hill's web site is http://clarencehill.legion.org. The newly designed national web site is http://legion.org. From there, you can view The American Legion on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, flickr, LinkedIn and MySpace.

Most everything is done on computers these days and we must try to keep pace with the latest technology as well. There is a movement under way to allow a member to pay his/her annual membership dues online. How it will work I don't know, but it is in the works. Membership is recorded and tracked online as well as program reports, etc. 

Video is also becoming part of our latest communication tools. Our world is constantly changing and our younger veterans have grown up computer literate; now that is the best way to communicate and let them know about our great programs for them and their families.

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