Thursday, November 4, 2010

NY Commander V. Jim Troiola Visits - Part 3

The evening festivities began with a social hour at 6:00 PM at Raymond-Faulkner-Cook Post 858 in Cleveland, NY. Before going inside, there was a beautiful red sunset over Oneida Lake.

The members of the post presented the Department of New York Commander V. James Troiola with a memorial brick engraved with his name and year of service which will be installed in their memorial walk in front of the post home.

Commander Troiola holds his "special" brick.

Inside the post tables were set up with colorful arrangements  and the head table had several floral arrangements as seen in the following pictures.

Legionnaires mingled and chatted as they awaited the dinner proper.

Past District President Betty Rowlee (currently Oswego Co. Membership Chairman) welcomes Karen St. Hilaire from Onondaga County as they discuss membership problems and solutions .

Oswego County Auxiliary President Elaine Johnson at the head table.

One of the honorees of the day was Corky Winn Senior who is a 65-year member of Raymond-Faulkner-Cook Post 858 in Cleveland, NY. He was a very active member in the past.

Part of the head table.

Left end of head table.

Auxiliary dignitaries at the head table.

 Commander Rogers described the sons agenda for the year.

County president introduces 5th District President Carolyn Farnsworth.

5th District President Carolyn Farnsworth introduced the Department of NY Auxiliary President Nancy Kurk. 

American Legion Commander Troiola listens as Dept. President Nancy Kurk gives her speech on the programs of the American Legion Auxiliary for the year of 2010 - 2011.

Oswego County Commander Richard Palmer introduces the 5th District Commander Jamie Brassard for the purpose of an introduction.

5th District American Legion Commander Jamie Brassard introduces 5th and 6th District Vice Commander Michael Michalski for the purpose of an introduction.

Department Vice Commander Michalski introduces NY Commander V. James Troiola for his presentation to those attending the dinner.

Department Commander Troiola gives his report on the projects of the American Legion for the coming year.

A plaque was presented to Dept. President Nancy Kurk from Oswego County President Elaine Johnson which read: "All My Friends Are FLAKES!" This brought a great smile to Nancy's face as well as the Department Commander.
Many posts presented checks for the Commander's project which is the National Emergency Fund of The American Legion. Funds are used to help Legionnaires in the case of storms, and other emergencies.

A fine meal was enjoyed by all including ham, roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, tossed salad, dessert and beverage. There was plenty of tasty food and everyone thanked the kitchen staff for their fine meal.

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