From the 94th American Legion
Convention in Rochester, NY
July 19, 2012
Legionnaire of the Year
Walter Gaun
New York's Legionnaire of the Year is Walter Gaun of Post
366 in Seneca Falls, Seneca County, 7th District, program chair James B.
Middleton Jr. announced.
Gaun is a Vietnam era Army veteran who has served in a number of offices in his post, including commander, and as a counselor at Boys State.
Gaun is a Vietnam era Army veteran who has served in a number of offices in his post, including commander, and as a counselor at Boys State.

While encouraging Legionnaires to recruit and retain
members, he reiterated Commander Wong's emphasis on putting "service
first, membership second."
He reminded the convention that nationally the American
Legion is:
The transition from war zone to civilian life is
tough enough, he said, without having to worry about gainful employment.
Joblessness leads to homelessness, he noted. That thousands of veterans, both
men and women, are finding themselves homeless and their self-esteem shattered,
is "a travesty," Hales said.
- adamantly opposed to any reduction in national defense.
- dead set against any cuts in VA health care.
- making veterans employment a high priority.
"We strongly support the certification of military
skills into the civilian job market," Hales said.
From American Legion News, Department of New York.
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