OCW Falls to #2 in Pepsi voting
After capturing the #1 spot in its bid to win a $250,000 grant in the Pepsi Refresh Project competition on Friday afternoon, The American Legion’s Operation Comfort Warriors fell to #2 early today.
Pepsi Cola, Inc. is awarding $1.3 million each month to charities receiving the most votes on their Web site. In the $250, 000 category, the top two charities receiving the most votes will both receive $250,000 and will be named March 1. It is essential that members of The American Legion family vote every day throughout the month of February. It is also important for supporters to spread the word to friends via social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and other popular sites. E-mails and phone calls can also make a big difference.
Rules allow the public to vote each day per e-mail address during February. The American Legion OCW page can be found at: http://www.refresheverything.com/operationcomfortwarriors . Or, it can be accessed via The American Legion national Web site at www.legion.org and clicking on the “Vote Daily” icon on the right side of the page.
Please vote every day and spread the word.
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