This famous name was coined by Captain William Driver, a shipmaster of Salem, Massachusetts, in 1831.
As he was leaving on one of his many voyages aboard the brig, CHARLES DOGGETT - and this one would climax with the rescue of the mutineers of the BOUNTY - some friends presented him with a beautiful flag of twenty four stars. As the banner opened to the ocean breeze for the first time, he exclaimed "Old Glory!"
He retired in Nashville in 1837, taking his treasured flag from his sea days with him. By the time the Civil War erupted, most everyone in and around Nashville recognized Captain Driver's "Old Glory." When Tennessee seceded from the Union, Rebels were determined to destroy his flag, but repeated searches revealed no trace of the hated banner.
Then on February 25th, 1862, Union forces captured Nashville and raised the American flag over the capital. It was a rather small ensign and immediately folks began asking Captain Driver if "Old Glory" still existed. Happy to have soldiers with him this time, Captain Driver went home and began ripping at the seams of his bedcover. As the stitches holding the quilt-top to the batting unraveled, the onlookers peered inside and saw the 24-starred original "Old Glory!"
Captain Driver gently gathered up the flag and returned with the soldiers to the capital. Though he was sixty years old, the Captain climbed up to the tower to replace the smaller banner with his beloved flag. The Sixth Ohio Regiment cheered and saluted - and later adopted the nickname "Old Glory" as their own, telling and re-telling the story of Captain Driver's devotion to the flag we honor yet today. Captain Driver's grave is located in the old Nashville City Cemetery, and is one of three (3) places authorized by act of Congress where the Flag of the United States may be flown 24 hours a day.
A caption above a faded black and white picture in the book, The Stars and Stripes, states that "'Old Glory' may no longer be opened to be photographed, and no color photograph is available." Visible in the photo in the lower right corner of the canton is an appliqued anchor, Captain Driver's very personal note. "Old Glory" is the most illustrious of a number of flags - both Northern and Confederate - reputed to have been similarly hidden, then later revealed as times changed. The flag was given to his granddaughter or niece and she later donated it to the Smithsonian.
Monday, July 2, 2018
Saturday, May 19, 2018
May 19, 2018
Thank you to all our armed services who are stationed around the world to protect us here in the USA.
God Bless America
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Certificates were presented to
14 Eagle Scouts in Oswego County.
One Eagle was present to accept his certificate
and tell about his project.
His mother accompanied him.

The other recipients are listed as:
Troop 715 - Seth Dunn and Troy Rogers;
Troop 724 - Daniel Donegan, Christopher Suchecki & Maxwell Yonkers;
Troop 734 - James Kristensen;
Troop 735 - Kyle Hartman;
Troop 750 - Austin Wilson and Daniel Knowlton;
Troop 780 - Evan Salmonsen;
Troop 888 - Michael Gilbert;
Troop 3112 - Christian Radziseski and Nathan Tinklepaugh.
There was a beautiful cake provided
by Fuller-Taylor Post 915 and
lots of soda for those attending.
Last year we had the presence of the 5th District American Legion Commander to assist,
but not this year!
Sunday, November 12, 2017
Have You Forgotten Who I Am?
Have You Forgotten
Who I Am?
Hello. Remember me?
Some people call me "Old Glory"...
Others call me the Star Spangled Banner
But whatever they call me, I'm your flag.
The flag of the United States of America.
Something has been bothering me...
So I thought I'd talk it over with you.
Not too long ago, people were lining up
On both sides of the street
To see a parade go by...
And naturally I was leading that parade
Proudly waving in the breeze
And when your Daddy saw me coming,
He would immediately remove his hat
And place it over his left shoulder
So his right hand would be over his heart.
And you, you were standing there...
Right next to your Dad.
You didn't wear a hat, and your little sister
Not to be outdone was standing right next to you
And both of you had your right hand over your heart.
What has happened now?
I don't feel as proud as I used to.
I'm still the same old flag...
I see children playing, shouting...
They don't seem to know or care who I am
Or what I stand for.
I saw an elderly gentleman take his hat off
But when he saw others with theirs son,
He turned around and slowly walked away.
Hey, I'm still the same old flag.
A few stars have been added
Since those parades long ago...
A lot of blood has been shed.
Is it a sin to be patriotic anymore?
Have you forgotten who I am?
What I stand for? And where I've been?
Anzio, Guadalcanal, Korea and Vietnam?
Take a good look one of these days...
At the memorial honor roll.
Of all the names of all those
That never came back.
They gave their lives for this
For this Great Nation to be free.
Under God.
When you salute me,
You salute each and every one of them.
Well it won't be long now and I'll be coming
Down the street leading that parade
And proudly waving in the breeze.
So when you see me coming,
Stand up straight and salute.
And I'll salute you by waving back.
And then I'll know that you remember.
Saturday, November 11, 2017
How many are aware of the fact that there are those who want to destroy or tear down veterans memorials throughout our land?
Well, there are those who are trying and we must NOT let that happen! So here is a link so you may learn more about this travesty.
As we pause to honor our veterans today, let us also remember our heritage and the price that they have paid so that we may live in a free country where anyone can achieve anything they put their minds to... Just use all your skills to attain your goals. And remember to put GOD first and foremost in your planning.
God bless our veterans!
God bless our government!
God bless the USA!
Monday, November 6, 2017
from National Commander
Denise Rohan
Check out this message from
The American Legion website:
Click on
Let's thank all veterans for their sacrifice and service, remembering their families also.
Sunday, November 5, 2017
This is a link to a recent discussion on the urgency to require the use of medical marijuana in the treatment of PTSD and TBI of our returning service people. There is definitely a need for the use of marijuana to get off the pharmaceutical drugs which are causing our veterans to self-destruct. Please take a few minutes to listen to the arguments put forth by The American Legion and our legislators in Washington in favor of the study on this video.
Just click on the link below to watch this video:
Thank you for your sacrifice.
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