The 5th District American Legion will meet on Sunday December 13th at Fuller-Taylor Post 915 in Central Square at 2:00 PM. Commander Tilman Colston will preside.
The Sons of The American Legion meet at 2:00 PM at the same location.
All members are welcome to attend these meetings. Please mark your calendar and plan on attending.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009

They weren’t wrapped and they didn’t cost a dime.
But I carry them with me everywhere.
By Marian Wright Edelman
From The Christian Science Monitor
Like so many Americans, I am spending too much time shopping for presents to give my children, feeling unsure that the gifts are things they would use or even want. I need -- we all need -- to remind ourselves, during the countdown to Christmas, to reach back to our lessons in true giving.
I was given my love of reading because my daddy loved to read and had a study full of books he spent time with every day. On our living room mantel in Bennettsville, S.C., was a complete set of Shakespeare’s works. Buying books to improve the minds of his five children was an indisputably higher priority for my father than buying a toy or nonessential clothing.
From my parents’ examples, I was given my belief that I and others could do more than complain, wring hands or give in to despair at the wrongs rife in the world. Daddy, a teacher-preacher who never raised his voice in the pulpit, tried to educate our congregation’s mind, as well as touch its heart. He taught that faith required action, and that action could be sustained only by faith in the face of daily discouragement and injustice in our segregated Southern society.
I was given strength from my mother’s strength in the face of tough challenges. I remember once, after I became a civil-rights lawyer in Mississippi, I berought home to visit Mama a small girl who’d lost an eye when marauding whites sprayed buckshot through the windows of her family’s house. I’d been instructed by the girl’s mother how to remove, clean and replace the child’s glass eye, which I felt able to do in theory. When confronted by the reality, though, I quavered. Seeing my hesitation, my mother gently pushed me aside and did it without missing a beat.
I was given my concern for children without homes by my mother, who took in foster children after Daddy died. I am still ashamed of my resentment when asked to share my room with a homeless child for a few days. As I grew older, nearly a dozen foster sisters and brothers were reared by my mother.
I was given a way to deal with fear by Miz Tee -- Mrs. Theresa Kelly -- who lived in a four-room unpainted house with a big front porch and a small back porch on Amelia Street in Bennettsville. I loved to stay with Miz Tee when my parents were away for a convention or visiting a relative. One day when a big summer storm was whipping up, Mis Tee told me to go out on the back porch and bring in the clothes hanging there so they wouldn’t get drenched.
As I went to obey, a clap of thunder boomed. I ran back and told Miz Tee I was scared of being struck by lightning. She calmly explained about faith in God as she returned with me to gather in the clothes: “When it’s your time, it’s your time; when it’s not, it’s not.”
And I was given my understanding of our great black heritage because my high-school English teacher, Mrs. Walker, invited Langston Hughes to read to her students, and because the famous poet took the time to come to Bennettsville to do so. His visit gave me a special connection to the poet I called in my college diary “marvelous./.. down to earth and unassuming.”
I no longer have or even remember most of the presents I found under the Christmas tree as a child. But I carry with me and treasure the lessons in living I was given throughout my childhood by my parents and by concerned and loving community elders.
May these memories give me the strength to stop shopping, and instead to give a child a true gift -- time spent with a caring adult, time spent sharing some of the great lives and spirits of mentors who have enriched, informed and helped shape my life.
Marian Wright Edelman is president of the Children’s Defense Fund. In August (2000) she was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Legion membership as of 11/17/09 by Post is as follows:
268 - Oswego - 381 - (205) - 53.81%
358 - Pulaski - 250 - (152) - 60.80%
384 - Mexico - 43 - (25) - 58.14%
418 - Phoenix - 133 - (98) - 73.68%
486 - Minetto - 23 - (23) - 100.00%
587 - Fulton - 59 - (44) - 74.58%
601 - Parish - 186 - (118) - 63.44%
858 - Cleveland - 118 - (99) - 83.90%
915 - Central Square - 224 - (134) - 59.82%
1128 - Williamstown - 92 - (60) - 65.22%
1145 - Scriba - 17 - (1) - 5.88%
1435 - Altmar - 44 - (29) - 65.91%
1532 - New Haven - 36 - (29) - 80.56%
1552 - Hannibal - 133 - (110) - 82.71%
OSWEGO COUNTY - 1739 - (1127) - 64.80%
Send the PINK copy of your Legion transmittal form to: GARY MILLS, 64 Dix Drive, Phoenix, NY 13135 with a list of members’ names paid on this report. Thanks! Questions? Call 695-7119.
Auxiliary membership by Units as of 11/21/2009 was as follows:
268 OSWEGO - 154 - (127) - 82.5%
358 PULASKI - 120 - (61) - 50.8%
418 PHOENIX - 65 - (43) - 66.2%
601 PARISH - 105 - (81) - 77.1%
858 CLEVELAND - 56 - (49) - 87.5%
915 CENTRAL SQUARE - 134 - (108) - 80.6%
1128 WILLIAMSTOWN - 51 - (31) - 60.8%
1435 ALTMAR - 24 - (18) - 75.0%
1552 HANNIBAL - 65 - (44) - 67.7%
OSWEGO COUNTY - 774 - (562) - 72.6%
Legion membership as of 11/17/09 by Post is as follows:
268 - Oswego - 381 - (205) - 53.81%
358 - Pulaski - 250 - (152) - 60.80%
384 - Mexico - 43 - (25) - 58.14%
418 - Phoenix - 133 - (98) - 73.68%
486 - Minetto - 23 - (23) - 100.00%
587 - Fulton - 59 - (44) - 74.58%
601 - Parish - 186 - (118) - 63.44%
858 - Cleveland - 118 - (99) - 83.90%
915 - Central Square - 224 - (134) - 59.82%
1128 - Williamstown - 92 - (60) - 65.22%
1145 - Scriba - 17 - (1) - 5.88%
1435 - Altmar - 44 - (29) - 65.91%
1532 - New Haven - 36 - (29) - 80.56%
1552 - Hannibal - 133 - (110) - 82.71%
OSWEGO COUNTY - 1739 - (1127) - 64.80%
Send the PINK copy of your Legion transmittal form to: GARY MILLS, 64 Dix Drive, Phoenix, NY 13135 with a list of members’ names paid on this report. Thanks! Questions? Call 695-7119.
Auxiliary membership by Units as of 11/21/2009 was as follows:
268 OSWEGO - 154 - (127) - 82.5%
358 PULASKI - 120 - (61) - 50.8%
418 PHOENIX - 65 - (43) - 66.2%
601 PARISH - 105 - (81) - 77.1%
858 CLEVELAND - 56 - (49) - 87.5%
915 CENTRAL SQUARE - 134 - (108) - 80.6%
1128 WILLIAMSTOWN - 51 - (31) - 60.8%
1435 ALTMAR - 24 - (18) - 75.0%
1552 HANNIBAL - 65 - (44) - 67.7%
OSWEGO COUNTY - 774 - (562) - 72.6%

All members are urged to attend county meetings to interact with other squadrons and support each other's projects and activities. The December Sons county meeting will be held on Tuesday December 15th at Fuller-Taylor Squadron 915 in Central Square at 7:00 PM.
The detachment SAL Americanism Committee sponsors an essay contest which is open to all NY schoolchildren in the 1st thru 5th grades. The essay contest topic is “What America Means to Me.” This year there will be a winning entry for each grade level and they receive a $100 US Savings Bond and a $50 Pizza Party for their classroom.
Deadline for the contest is Sat. May 1, 2010. The winning entry will be notified prior to the school year ending. Squadrons should contact local elementary schools and get the word out. This is an excellent way of encouraging students to learn about their great Nation in these days of spreading Patriotic uncertainty. Copies of the application are available at our website www.sonsdny.org. Need more info? Contact James Coates, Americanism Chairman, PO Box 148, Ionia, NY 14475.

I want to wish everyone in the Oswego County American Legion family a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. As you are celebrating with your families, take some time to think of our military who are serving at the present time and who have served. Elaine Johnson, County President.
The next regular monthly meeting will be held at Russell Horning Post 601, Parish on Saturday December 5th at 10:00 AM. Each Unit is expected to have representatives at each county meeting. This is an obligation the Unit President assumes when she takes her office.
The buzz word for membership is "VETERANS ADVOCATES". Become a DO BEE and start the buzz about membership for 2010.
Target date #3 is 100% of goal by January 1st, 2010 (5-$75 drawings). Let's get buzzing, bees! We are doing very well so far.
Please send Unit Membership reports to: BETTY ROWLEE, 100 MYERS ROAD, OSWEGO NY 13126 OR you may e-mail them to craftlady928@aol.com or rowleedel@gmail.com. If you have any questions, call Betty at 592-7093; or call the Dept. 800 number: 1-800-421-6348. Co. Treasurer is SUSANNA THOMAS, P.O. Box 52, Central Square, NY 13036. Phone is 529-8607. Checks go to Susanna Thomas.
Donations are needed for the VAVS to work with the veterans at the VA Medical Center in Syracuse. They may be sent to: Patricia Gilbert, 103 Maple Terrace, Syracuse, NY 13210. Volunteers are always welcome. Pat's phone is 315-396-0516.
Unit poppy orders must be sent in right away so you can get them in time for distribution.
Oswego County is planning an auxiliary study course at Fuller-Taylor Unit 915 for either our March or April county meeting. Membes from all nine units should attend since we can always learn more about our organization.
Dues of $3 are now due and payable to: Sandra Lee, 203 Weller Road, Fulton, NY 13069. We have new Past Presidents cards for your wallet.

The next county American Legion meeting will be held at Wm. S. Monaghan Post 268 in Oswego on Wed. Dec. 16th at 8:00 PM.
On Wed. Nov 18th Eagle Scout good citizenship awards were presented to 14 Eagle Scouts by Oswego County Boy Scout Chairman James Ellis and County Commander Richard Palmer. A big cake and drinks were provided by Fuller-Taylor Post 915 in Central Square. We thank Commander Herb Pelton for his generosity.
Scouts are listed with Troop # after each name.
John M. Ayleward (888)
William J. Dawson (825)
John F. Emory (825)
Kevin P. Hamon (709)
Daniel J. Howse (825)
Christopher LaFlair (709)
Ethan T. Leonard (709)
Mathew T. McChesney (3112)
Garrett Robinson (888)
Mitchell A. Switzer (750)
Nicholas H. Tomaino (724)
Tyler J. VanAllen (709)
Mark Vliet (724)
Nicholas L. Wilding (724)
Kyle Wolff (709)
Thomas Langer (830) was to be given his award on Sunday.
Most of the awards were picked up by parents or scout officials since the boys were at college and not available. Nicholas Tomaino was present in his uniform (pictured above with James Ellis and Cmdr. Palmer) and Mark Vliet was also in uniform, but in the US Navy uniform since he's in the service. Of course he was presented with an American Legion application.
A large cake, coffee, apple cider and soda were provided by Fuller-Taylor Post 915 in Central Square. We thank Commander Herb Pelton for his generosity. This is an annual event and it is sad that we can't have more Legion participation. We don't always appreciate the good teens.

Support for the Boy Scout movement came at The American Legion's first National Convention in 1919. Today, there are more than 2,500 Boy Scout units sponsored by Legion Posts throughout the country.
Supporting Boy Scout activities is natural for Legionnaires, who bring their service-learned skill and experiences as veterans to bear to help build character and positive traits in "Young Americans." Few other post activities generate more goodwill from the community.
From 1950 to 1962, the Onondaga Council Boy Scouts owned Moose Island in Lake Placid. It was called Oskenonta. Nightly campfires with singing were always a part of the activities there. Across from Moose Island was a summer home of Kate Smith. She would visit the campfire and would lead the singing. Can't you imagine this lovely voice singins "God Bless American" as it drifted across Lake Placid in the moonlight!
Irving Berlin put the song in trust; royalties to be used for the Boy and Girl Scouts. One of the original trustees was Theodore Roosevelt, Jr.

For the month of DECEMBER 2009:
Mon. Dec. 7: Fuller Taylor American Legion Post 915, Central Square - 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Sat. Dec. 12: Pennellville Fire Dept., 3 Godfrey Rd., Pennellville - 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Thu. Dec. 24: Robert Edwards American Legion Post 358, Pulaski - 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Individuals who are at least 17 years of age (16 with parental permission), weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate blood. High school students and donors 18 years of age and younger also have to meet certain height and weight requirements. Please bring your Red Cross blood donor card or other form of positive ID when you come to donate. Whole blood donors can safely donate blood every 56 days. Double red cell donors can safely donate blood every 112 days.
You may call Lynn Fox at 464-1229 for appointment; or 1-800-272-4543 for information.

“For unto us a child is born; unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulders. He shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. His ever-expanding peaceful government will never end.
He will rule with perfect fairness and justice from the throne of the house of David. He will bring true justice and peace to all the nations of the world.” Isaiah 10:6-7.
PRAYER: “Dear Lord, we thank You at this holiday season for all the blessings and love You have given us. We thank You for America and the freedom that comes with our nation. We thank You for our brave service men and women who are away from their loved ones. We ask that You watch over them and the families left at home. Keep them in Your care. Please be with our organization as they go to battle here at home to keep Your name visible in public places and in front of our children. Be with us as we share our blessings with others this holiday season. In Your name we pray. Amen”

10/5/2009: DONALD E. ROBINSON, 80, Korea Marine vet, member Raymond-Fulkner-Cook Post 858, Cleveland.
10/8/2009: WILLIAM E. "Bud" COTTOM, 89, WWII Army vet, member Wm. S. Monaghan Post 268, Oswego.
10/9/2009: BETTY E. BROWN, 88, past member of Wm. S. Monaghan Aux. Unit 268, Oswego.
10/16/2009: ELAINE B. COLE, 75, past member of Hastings-Gorski Aux. Unit 1128, Williamstown.
10/21/2009: ROBERT A. COLTON, Jr., 73, member Wm. S. Monaghan Sqaudron 268, Sons of the American Legion.
Let's remember all the service members who are serving our country around the world so we may enjoy our freedoms. Protect them and their families who are waiting for their safe return home. We pray that God will keep them safe from harm and heal those who are in hospitals and recovering from their wounds and other hardships. Amen.

If your Unit, Post or Squadron would like to make a monetary donation to the year's Gift Shop, please let me know if it is for postage or gifts. Poppy Fun monies may be used for this purpose.
Write checks to "VA Gift Shop" and mail to: JAYNE FUST, VA Gift Shop Chairman, PO Box 72, Brewerton, NY 13029. Phone is 676-5432. This is a very popular and well-run program for veterans who are in the hospital and unable to be home for Christmas.
Meet at the auditorium at the Syracuse VA Medical Center Dec. 6th at 10 a.m. to unload everything and set up; Dec. 7 at 8 a.m. to distribute, wrap and mail gifts; Dec. 8 at 8 a.m. to distribute, wrap and mail gifts; then pack up everything and take to Co mmunity Care Center; Dec. 9 at CCC at 8 a.m.
Coffee and Donuts at VA (except the 6th) in the morning and free lunch on Mon. & Tue. We will be providing lunch at the CCC on Wed.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Sat. Dec. 5: OSWEGO CO. AUXILIARY MEETS at Parish Unit 601 - 10 a.m.
Sun. Dec. 7-9: VA GIFT SHOP at Syracuse VA Medical Center - 8 a.m.
Tue. Dec. 15: OSWEGO CO. SAL MEETS at Central Square Post 915 at 7 p.m.
Tue. Dec. 15: VOITURE 895 of 40et8 PROM at Pulaski Post 358 at 8 p.m.
Wed. Dec. 16: OSWEGO CO. LEGION MEETS at Oswego Post 268 at 8 p.m.
Fri. Dec. 31: NEW YEAR'S EVE.
Sat. Jan. 1, 2010: HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Sat. Dec. 5: OSWEGO CO. AUXILIARY MEETS at Parish Unit 601 - 10 a.m.
Sun. Dec. 7-9: VA GIFT SHOP at Syracuse VA Medical Center - 8 a.m.
Tue. Dec. 15: OSWEGO CO. SAL MEETS at Central Square Post 915 at 7 p.m.
Tue. Dec. 15: VOITURE 895 of 40et8 PROM at Pulaski Post 358 at 8 p.m.
Wed. Dec. 16: OSWEGO CO. LEGION MEETS at Oswego Post 268 at 8 p.m.
Fri. Dec. 31: NEW YEAR'S EVE.
Sat. Jan. 1, 2010: HAPPY NEW YEAR!
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